The Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management of Nigeria as the apex regulatory body for Procurement Management practice in Nigeria is committed to the highest possible standards of professional conduct and competency among its members.

Some of unethical Practices to be avoided

•It is unethical for professional procurement executives to play bids or quotations against each other.
•It is unethical to allow relations to patronize a professional’s organization for assistance through whatever way.
•It is unethical to engage in conditional sales contracts.
•It is ethical for professional procurement executives to avoid the problem of Christmas gift.
•It is unethical to receive any commercial bribe.
•It is unethical to spilt commission with salesman.
•It is unethical to waste stock materials because they are transformed cash.
•It is unethical to engage in cross rate of exchange while engaging in import procurement.
•It is unethical not to study services to determine what is obtainable from within before taking action on procurement requisition.
•It is unethical to engage in join procurement that is detrimental to effective competition or supplier development.

As a member of the Institute, I pledge that I shall at all times:

  • Carry out my duties and responsibilities with integrity and diligence
  • Demonstrate competence and ethical behaviour in all my business, professional and personal activities
  • Respect the laws of the land
  • Promote, encourage and emplace acceptable processes and procedures in the practice of Procurement Management within my sphere of influence
  • Endeavour to make personal decisions after considering all options, of which resignation may be one, in defence of this code of conduct, where there are conflicts between my professional obligations and the expectations of my job roles.